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Frequent Questions and Answers

My child is absent how do I let the school know? 

If your child must be absent, the best time to call the office is after 8:15am and before 10:00am. You may send an email regarding the absence to: 

I have a doctor's note, how long do I have to turn it in?

Doctor's notes are to be turned in to the office within 3 days of the returning date.

I need to schedule an appointment for my child/I need to pick up my child early what is the best time? 

If you need to pick up your child early for an appointment, we ask that you do so before 2:15pm. The teachers and students are extremely busy wrapping up the school day after 2:15pm.

Do I need a photo ID to pick up my child from school?

A photo ID is required to check out your student early.

I need to change my child's dismissal/transportation what do I do?

The office will only accept changes in how students will get home in person or in writing. Parents may send a written note or an email including your child's full name, teacher name, the date the change takes place, parent name (printed), and parent signature.

I have a concern about my child and something that happened in class what do I do?

If you have any concerns and would like to contact your child's teacher, please message them on ClassDojo or by email. The teacher will respond during their conference time or non-instructional time. Please allow them up to 24 hours to reach back. 

I spoke to the teacher and my issue is still not resolved, what do I do?

After you have spoken with the teacher, if you have further concerns and would like to speak with an administrator, you may call the office to receive a phone call or make an appointment at (432) 240-7400. An administrator will return your call within 24 hours (Friday calls will be returned by Monday at the end of the business day). A quick thing to remember is that during morning drop-off and dismissal, administrators ensure a smooth arrival and dismissal and support classroom needs. Administrators cannot meet with parents during these times unless it is an emergency situation.